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The special forces of dbz

They are legends, or nothing at all!
Here we have story's of the most feared groups around and frieza saga series.

Now, in this page there are 2 forces, the ginyu force and the saiyans. There is also the z fighters since they are the defenders of earth. They are(at the end of dbz) Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Videl, Goten, Trunks, Tien, Chaotzu, Android 18, Krillin and Piccolo.( Yamcha quits fighting right after the cell saga.)

The ginyu guys! The forces witch frieza used was called the Ginyu force. Each with special abillity's. Guldo, short and green, cut stop time when holding his breath. Recoome, could do incredible moves as recoome boom. Burter and Jeice have incredible speed and finnaly Capt. Ginyu can switch bodies with others. Vegeta killes Guldo in order of his revenge on frieza's ship. Goku defeats the rest of em' and Capt. Ginyu is turned into a frog. Later,Vegeta killes em' all with one big blast for each of them.

The monkey, nah! Saiyans
The saiyans where destroyed by Frieza. Only 4 saiyans survived the explosion. Vegeta, because he was in frieza's ship, Nappa, frieza's apprentice, Radditz another apprentice of frieza and finnaly Goku who was sent to earth by his father. His father was able to tell the future. And he knew what would happen to the planet. Frieza blew up earth because he was scared that a saiyan would turn super saiyan. And that's the story of the saiyans.

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